Tag Archives: Feuh

SDamage0014: Feuh – Trash Test

Feuh - Trash Test Cover Image

At long last, we bring you the mighty Feuh! Arguably one of the hardest releases on the label to date. This is no-holds-bared techno-punk, guaranteed to make you stamp your grannies face to a bloody pulp, then go to Buckingham …


Straight out of France, Structural Damage’s latest new artist is the mighty Feuh!

The four members of Feuh run on a steady diet of Punk, Techno, Noise and Hardcore. Their hybrid motor starts on humanoid rhythms, rumbling over devastating fucked …

Structural Damage Compilation 2

Structural Damage Compilation 2 Cover

Back in January 2009 Stuctural Damage Records started with a brutal 2-CD compilation. A year and a half and we are celebrating our tenth release with another compilation of new exclusive material from not only SD oldboys like Hellboy, Stazma …